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"Even when I realistically know that there is nothing I should worry about, I cannot stop the fearful thoughts from coming into my mind. It has been holding me back from doing so many things in life."


"Even the closest of friends and family, no one seems to see me, hear me, understand me or know the real me. It doesn't matter how hard I try, things just don't seem to work out. Recently, it has been hard to get out of bed.


"People tell me that I am great and all. I guess I am, but deep down, a small part of me still feels bad about myself.

It's like I know it, but I don't feel it. Do they truly mean what they say? What should I do to feel good about myself, or at least, not hate myself?"

Low Self-Esteem

"My romantic relationships never seem to last. There are always problems with all of them. I can't seem to bond with others like everyone else does. I tend to either push people away, or they always let me down in the end. I have trust issues. This happens with my friendships too."

Relationship Issues

"There are always fights and arguments at home. I am not on good terms with my family. I have become someone I do not like around my family. I am so tired of dealing with the same thing over and over again."

Family Conflicts

"I tend to procrastinate so much. I want to stop it but nothing has helped. Everything seems to be so overwhelming. There is never enough time to do anything/everything. There is always so much to do. I am barely meeting the demands of school/work. I feel that everything is going to fall apart soon."

Time / Task Management


How can counseling help me?

Though life will never be perfect, worry-free or easy, it can definitely be better. Here is how your life could possibly look like with the help of counseling.

You will start living your life instead of solely surviving.

You will have a greater awareness of your feelings, where they come from and what you can do about them.

You will finally be at peace with yourself, no longer fighting a war within yourself.

You will feel much better and more comfortable with yourself.

You would be able to enjoy relationships with people that you truly care about.

Your actions will be driven by more conscious thoughts and decisions, reducing the likelihood of feeling regretful in the future.

You will gain understanding of why some things keep happening in your life, and what you can do about them in the future.

You will heal from your wounds, allowing your life to be free from the dictation of your past.

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